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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


As a kid, remember the sheer thrill you felt going through your veins when you found out you had a snow day?
Today we proclaimed a snow day. 
We decided to eat, sleep, take some snowy photos, bake cookies and play with our puppy, Professor. It was a good day. But can we have an honest moment with you all? Its been a hard year. I don't mean…tough. I mean [at some points] unbearable. Yes, we are blessed. Yes, we LOVE our jobs. Yes, we know God is good, always. But this year has been a year of mourning the loss of Jamie's wonderful Dad. As Christmas approaches, we reflect on 2013. We are SO thankful. God is so good, even when life doesn't seem so great, he is always good. We decided to have a day of laughter. To dedicate to enjoying what God has blessed us with. Heres a few images of our wonderful snow day together. We hope you all got to enjoy some hot cocoa, a fire side chat, or whatever makes you joyful today.

Merry Christmas!
Love, love, love,

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